One powerful real-time platform with countless real-world, company-wide benefits.
Unifying data for the:
With features designed to enhance productivity and harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), it empowers infrastructure companies with full safety and compliance, as well as more time and resources to reinvest in achieving greater efficiency.
Unlock 8 modules with Sureworx for consistent user experience and reduced technology fatigue. Replace point solutions, save time & cost by onboarding once. Sureworx: cloud-hosted, ISO27001 certified, globally available.
Select Sureworx modules based on needs, pay only for what you use. Seamlessly augment existing investments. Leverage global data and configurations across modules for quick, standardised onboarding.
Start with one project, establish standards, leverage for faster onboarding. Enterprise-wide adoption: standardisation, collaboration, no silos. Role-based access for specified projects or timeframes.
Sureworx unifies data from Projects, Modules, Forms, Actions, and metadata. Rich repository for reporting, dashboards, analytics. Role-based access and automation: visibility, transparency, data provenance.
Available (and identical) across any Apple, Android and Windows device.
Remote or unconnected users can capture data and sync when back online.
Designed with ease of use in mind through intuitive design to improve adoption.
Up-to-date dashboards can be customised to each user individually.
Create and save reports that interrogate any data field within the platform.
Seamlessly communicate with third-party systems and applications.
Set unique attributes and permissions to anyone tagged with a specific user role.
Hosted on Amazon Web Services and built to ISO 27001 and SOC1 standards.
SureWorx is more than just a place to consolidate your data and run reports.
Use AI to read data, identify potential issues and change worker behaviour.
Our powerful ‘drag and drop’ workflow enables you to make changes in minutes.
Save time and resources by automating arduous and archaic manual processes.
Proceed with full compliance and confidence with every project and at every site.
If you’re ready to build a safer and more efficient future for your infrastructure company, schedule a demo today.